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ApprenticeshipNH is a way for everyone to access to affordable education and the opportunity to learn while you earn. That means that if you’re looking for a new career, an apprenticeship is a great way to explore something new. It also means that if you are not currently working (but want to be) or have limited education or experience, an apprenticeship is your chance to get the skills you need to land a new job or that supervisor position you’ve been thinking about. The program is a crucial component in solving the challenges of workforce in New Hampshire and needs you to make it all work! Training New Hampshire’s workforce in hospitality. Work toward careers in tourism, hotels and resorts, entertainment, dining services. Earn while you learn!

Our Sponsors and Supporters

Explore NH Careers Logo
New Hampshire Lodging & Restaurant Association
Education Foundation
16 Centre Street
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: (603) 228-9585
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